Automatic Responses#

A response can be sent to the requester, as soon as a ticket is:

  • Created

  • Rejected

  • Replied to after closed

  • Receives a follow-up


Reply after close (default reply/new ticket) is based upon the queue’s follow-up settings.

Create a Response#

To create an auto response.

  1. Navigate to Admin

  2. Filter for or scroll to Auto Responses

  3. Click Add Auto Response

  4. Add a name

  5. Add a subject

  6. Add the body

  7. Choose the type

  8. Select the sender address

  9. Set the validity

  10. Add a comment

  11. Save

Auto Response Types#

auto follow up

When an update is received.

auto reject

When a queue follow-up is set to reject.

auto remove

Not used.

auto reply

When a new mail is received.

auto reply/new ticket

When a queue follow-up option is set to new ticket.

Assign Responses to Queues#

  1. Navigate to Admin

  2. Filter for or scroll to Queues <-> Auto Responses

  3. Choose a queue from the list of queues

  4. Assign a response for one or more types

Manage Exceptions#

In the system configuration, you can and should add exceptions to the rule.

Important system configuration settings are:

AutoResponseForWebTicketsTicket (default: active)

Deactivate auto responses for tickets created in the frontend.


Configure which addresses should receive no auto response.


Auto-responses are also suppressed if the optional email header X-OTRS-Loop is set to true. Some emails, mostly automated generated, are also designed to skip auto-responses. Check the ticket history and communication log if needed.