Generic Information#

Parameter Helper#

The parameter helper pre-fills transition actions for you, so you don’t have to.

This tool shows the required and optional parameters for every transition action right when the module is selected:

Parameter helper for transition actions

Mandatory keys have an asterisk “*” in the example field and require a value. For a detailed description of the modules read the perl API documentation for each transition action.


You can run the command on the command line. All modules are located at Kernel/System/ProcessManagement/TransitionAction

An example call would be: perldoc Kernel/System/ProcessManagement/TransitionAction/

  Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketTitleSet - A
  Module to set the title of a Ticket

  All TicketTitleSet functions.

  Don't use the constructor directly, use the ObjectManager instead:

  my $TicketTitleSetObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketTitleSet');

  Runs TransitionAction TicketTitleSet.

    my $Success = $TicketTitleSetActionObject->Run(
        UserID                   => 123,

        # Ticket contains the result of TicketGet including dynamic fields
        Ticket                   => \%Ticket,   # required
        ProcessEntityID          => 'P123',
        ActivityEntityID         => 'A123',
        TransitionEntityID       => 'T123',
        TransitionActionEntityID => 'TA123',

        # Config is the hash stored in a Process::TransitionAction's config key
        Config                   => {
            Title  => 'Some ticket title',
            UserID => 123,                      # optional, to override the UserID from the logged user



    my $Success = 1; # 0

This software is part of the OTRS project (<>).

This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the
enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you did not
receive this file, see <>.


For most parameters, the and ID is acceptable. (“Owner” and “OwnerID”). Parameters are single-use. “Owner” and “OwnerID” are redundant and different values might lead to unexpected results.

This feature is customizable:


Modify defaults, remove unused items or add new defaults for transition action modules you’ve developed.


You can use the following place holder (tags) in the value field of transition actions:

  • <OTRS_OWNER_*>




  • <OTRS_AGENT_*>






Common Parameters#

Additional check for transition actions#

There is a new parameter available for every transition action. It selectively determines if the transition action applies or not.


If this parameter exists (and contains a value), the transition action is performed.

Only if the dynamic field Example1 contains a value is the ticket state then set.

Example usage for ``ProcessManagementTransitionCheck``.



Not all attributes apply as some always exist. This module only checks if a value exists, not which value. Title, for example, cannot be used as a check as it always exists and has a value.

Some examples fields are:

  • CustomerID

  • CustomerUserID

  • Service

  • ServiceID

  • SLA


  • DynamicField_<*>

Executing transition action on other tickets#

With the parameters ForeignTicketID or ForeignTicketNumber, it is possible to execute a transition action module on behalf of another ticket.

The example shows how the owner the ticket contained in the variable <OTRS_TICKET_DynamicField_MainTicketNumber> is set to root@localhost (UserID 1).

Example usage for executing a module on a foreign ticket.

This functionality is available for almost every ticket-related transition action module.